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Developing students with a heart for God who grow as Jesus did "in Wisdom and in Stature and in favor with God and man" Luke 2:52
Since 1992
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 848, London, KY 40743
Physical Address: 70 Souls Harbor Way, KY 40744 Phone: 606-862-0509

FACTS Family Portal Provides Instant Information Access to Families
Benefits for Families
Families have access to vital information at all times, including assignments, attendance, calendars, grades, and online school payments.
Streamlined communications allow families to easily collaborate with teachers, which promotes better student outcomes.
Convenient mobile access through the FACTS Family App, available for desktop, laptop, Android and Apple iOS. Click the Fact Family Portal login instructions to the right for a printable pdf of the login and create account instructions.
Click the link to the left or go to to begin setting up your family portal account. If you have problems or need help please get in touch with our school secretary at
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