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We are excited to present “Building on the Cornerstone”, a strategic plan to lead Cornerstone Christian School into future. God is doing great things!

Click here to learn more about how you help and see our future campus.


Welcome To Cornerstone Christian School

We consider it a great privilege to provide Christian based learning to our community. From its founding in 1992, CCS has lived up to its name in excellence. As a school, we are committed to equipping your children with academic skills and a knowledge base that prepares them for post-secondary education. The quality of our curriculum is attested by our yearly test scores and the academic performance of students after graduating or moving on from our school. We are overseen by the Association of Christian School International (ACSI).

Cornerstone seeks to serve families in the London and Corbin area and surrounding communities, working cooperatively with many evangelical churches. With them, our mission is to support and assist parents in fulfilling their God-given responsibility to bring up their children “in training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4).

Every aspect of our school life is characterized and controlled by the fact that we are a Christian school. Scholastically, it means that the Bible will be a foundational textbook for every subject. It is the source of TRUTH revealed by God that supersedes truth discoverable by human understanding alone. Relationally, it means that students will be guided toward a personal faith in Jesus Christ as Savior, Friend, and Lord. It is a relationship that bonds faculty, students, and parents as a member of a single body (Romans 12:5). Vocationally, it means that children will be encouraged to seek and follow God’s unique plan for their lives, the purpose for which He wisely and lovingly created and gifted them. Morally and ethically, it commits the CCS community to a distinctive lifestyle, “blameless and a crooked and depraved generation” (Philippians 2:15).

This is Cornerstone Christian School, a community of people committed to linking the influences of home, church, and school to produce young people who think and live biblically. We thank you, parents, for entrusting your children’s education to us, and we pledge the full use of our resources, including the resources of prayer, that each one may grow “in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men” (Luke 2:52).

As partners with us in this educational enterprise, we urge you to watch for and participate in the frequent occasions when your presence, counsel, time, energy, and yes, your money, will, with the participation of many others, enable us to advance the quality educational program at CCS. Above all, we will count your family as regular partners with us in prayer throughout this school year.

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